Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Palpatine in 2008?

(From Op-Ed column, originally published in The Daily Coruscant News, June 8, 2005)

In a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll of the President's approval rating for the period 6/2 to 6/5/05, about 1002 Americans were asked the following question: "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?"

The results:
48% Approved, 52% Disapproved and 1% Unsure

Contrast these results to about two years ago for the period 6/18 to 6/22/03:

68% Approved, 29% Disapproved, 4% Unsure

Hmm. So much for confidence in our leader in a time of war and economic uncertainty. Although Democrats are champing at the bit for 2008, I suggest that Chancellor Palpatine be given emergency powers by the Senate to take over the reins immediately. Why? Well, look at his approval ratings from the rest of the known universe:

99% Approved, 1% Disapproved & Dead

With the rebellion in Iraq out of control, can we still continue to place our faith in a Republican President when a Sith Lord would deal with them more efficiently by contracting South Korean labs to create clone warriors?

As a loyal trooper of the republic, rest assured that I and my 10 million identical buddies have full confidence in Palpatine to set the republic back on a course of security and justice for all.


Trooper Cody
(You know, the one with the scar on the left side of my face)


Blogger wordforge said...

You've got a lot of Sith on the brain lately.

Do you buy into the thoughts that the movie is an allegory to our own (U.S.) political climate?

i.e. Palpatine is Bush; Clone Wars=War in Iraq, etc.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Alan said...

No, I don't think it's a true allegory because it could refer to any number of countries at any particular time in their history where a republic tipped towards a dictatorship (see Roman Republic/Roman Empire as an example). Nevertheless, isn't it fun to draw comparisons between the movie and anything else going on in America these days?

10:43 AM  

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