Thursday, January 13, 2005

Depression, whining, and poo: Observations of other people's blogs

I've noticed a number of trends among bloggers:

1. Bloggers often feel depressed and experience low self-esteem. Too much navel-gazing if you ask me. I prefer to remember Oscar Wilde's words: "We are all in the gutter but some of us are reaching for the stars." That was before he was imprisoned for being gay and then died a broken man. Those goofy Englishmen.
2. "Sleep" is a common "favorite" activity. Great for the sleeper, but what about my needs? People who sleep are boring and ignore me. So skip those blogs.
3. One person wrote about her "poo" experience. It seems that she works at two different locations, far enough that she needs to drive hours on end, and often has to make bold decisions about where and when to "poo" in order to avoid the embarassment of fellow toilet-users' snide remarks. Though interesting, "poo" blogs are best left undiscovered.
4. There is a lot of whining. Whining about taking classes, relationships, the government, Fox News. Yes, blogs are outlets for one's thoughts and feelings. But in the end, who really cares about what you find annoying? I experience enough complaints from my mentally ill clients, and half the time I can't tell if their grievances are real or delusional. However, I will defend someone's right to whine if he gives me an alternative to the problems raised. So my riff about Fox News really wasn't a whine. Okay, it was.
5. Did you know Portugese people actually exist? There must be hundreds of them! Seriously!
6. People share way too much about their marriage and work. And then they post pictures of themselves. How courageously foolish. I mean, to allow themselves to be "open" and "true" to blogging. I prefer the semi-veiled anonymity of my blog. Deniability. Yup. One must always have an exit strategy. You know, like the U.S. has in Iraq. No, wait...
7. Our English language education is a dismal failure. Sure, people rite lik dis to prove that dey be kewl (or not, which would be even scarier), but after reading a few sentences, one might need a trip to the neurologist to treat all the swollen neurons.
8. Christian bloggers, the serious ones, those who post Scriptures like wallpaper... there's nothing enjoyable about reading those. Why aren't there any Jewish bloggers quoting from the Old Testament or the Torah? Maybe those will be more interesting. I haven't even begun to look for Islamic bloggers. Nope. I don't need the NSA, CIA, DoD and FBI tracking my computer. Ha ha. No. I'm serious.

So what's it all mean? I'll try my hand at more light observations and commentary. For more serious reviews about the world, try The Economist. If I could afford it, I'd subscribe to it.

Next blog: My thoughts on Battlestar Galactica.

Peas out! Green beans in!


Blogger Blind Dog Megan said...

yeah! yeah! yeah! as if there's not enough drama and bad spelling/ grammar in regular life, we read about it in blogs. why? ?

8:15 AM  
Blogger wordforge said...

A blog that complains about the complaints in other people's blogs. Someone has to make up a word for that.

Addressing each point:

#1 & 2:Depression and sleep go together like milk and cookies.
#3:Poo. Can't say s**t about that.
#4:See above.
#5:They do? Don't tell the Chinese.
#6:Hey I want to post a picture of myself soon. Call it vanity or call it the search for fame. I've got nothing to hide...[stuffs bowling bag under his desk].
#7:Uh oh. Going to wax philosophical. Language is organic so it always goes through changes. No doubt the Brits thought we mucked up their language over time as would those who were raised during King James's time who might have said "Thou hast mucketh up our tongue!"
#*:As a Christian, deal with blogs that deal with the experiece of Christianity rather than the doctrine behind it.

Luis "I didn't expect to get serious at the end." Ramirez

2:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of fox news this description has an eerie tone on its nowness.

76 MINS.
Filmsource Information

GERMANY IN THE 1930S: 62 million people who comprised a sophisticated, highly educated society, home to some of the world’s pre-eminent artists, writers, composers and thinkers. In the next 15 years they would perpetrate one of history’s greatest disasters and reduce their own nation to rubblestrewn defeat. HITLER’S HIT PARADE uses a brilliant collage of materials (home movies, archival footage, animated and educational films, commercials and political propaganda) to express the false idealism that characterized the Nazis’ rise to power. On the soundtrack are popular tunes, a panoply of music that the average German citizen would have blithely enjoyed as his nation prepared to wreak havoc on much of the world.
it's from here

let's all see it and discuss and help elevate this blog into the blog that will end all blogs..

alan i'm happy to see you excorcise(ing) your creative demons..:)

8:09 PM  
Blogger Alan said...

My dear friend Luis,

I'm not quite sure of the meaning of your last point re: Christian blogs. You start off by saying "As a Christian..." but you know very well that I am not Christian. You are, but I still don't understand what you mean to say. Please clarify. I tried shaking my Magic 8 ball, but it keeps saying "Try again later." Argh!

6:11 AM  
Blogger wordforge said...

What I meant is that I am someone with "experience" in the realm of Christian society and as such, outside of reading the Bible and forming your own opinion about what Christianity might mean to yourself and others, I would recommend blogs, websites, etc. that relate the Christian experience especially on a personal level rather than those sites that spout dogma to prove a certain point.

Hope that clarifies the issue.

BTW, who is the anonymous poster?

3:45 PM  
Blogger Alan said...

Uh, I don't know.

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know anything.....I'm an idiot

10:32 AM  

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